Our Story

Necessity is the mother of invention. 

Work hard all day? Come home feeling mentally tired and exhausted? That was us.
It felt like no amount of coffee could help us kick the mental fog. 
We tried what felt like everything and finally came to the conclusion of "why don't we just make what we'd want?". 
So we did. But we also wanted something different. Something that helped us both get better sleep, and feel sharper during the day. The search for RightMind was on. 
Through consulting healthcare professionals, doctors, and more, we created what we believe to be the best combination of ingredients to help everyone simply feel better
The feedback has been fantastic, and we're growing faster than we ever imagined (thanks to all of our loyal customers). We look forward to helping people enhance their cognitive performance both day and night. 
But that's not all. 
We believe every business worth their salt has a social responsibility. That's why we're committed to donating 10% of our annual profits to Vitamin Angels. Vitamin Angels is a leading non-profit organization that provides lifesaving vitamins to mothers and children under five at risk of malnutrition — reducing preventable illness, blindness, and death — to create a healthier world.
So when you purchase RightMind, you're not only supporting us, our team, their families, but you're also giving back to those who need it most; and we thank you for that
Zach & Michael - RightMind Founders