Shipping & FAQ

Order Processing & Shipping

All orders will be processed within 24 hours on business days. Once your order is processed, shipping usually takes between 2 -7 working days.

Please don't hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return RightMind?  

We really believe in our products and their ability to help you stay sharper during the day and sleep better at night. If you didn't feel like that occurred after 30 days, let us know as soon as you can and we'll give you your money back. No further questions asked. We know what it feels like to be unhappy with a product, so we'll do everything in our power to make it right.

Is my payment info safe?

RightMind itself runs on Shopify, and all payments are either handled by Amazon Pay, Paypal, or Stripe. Either way, we don't store any of your credit card info. Ever. 

What if there is a problem with my product?

Let us know as soon as you can and we'll either send you a new one or give you your money back. Please take any pictures of the damaged product and send an email to No further questions asked. 

Are RightMind products manufactured in the United States?

Yes. All RightMind products are manufactured in a U.S. Based, GMP & FDA certified and inspected facility. We're focused on delivering the highest quality product directly into our customer's hands.